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A Father's Tears
Fathers For Virginia

A Father's Tears
By Joseph Branscomb

The world little cares for a father's tears;
Men aren't allowed to cry.
So when they take his children from him
Few pause to question why.

Few know his sorrow, his pain, his grief;
The rest will not recognize
That the loss he suffers is not his alone:
Look through the children's eyes.

The children can see that Daddy is gone;
No longer allowed in their lives.
He's just a visitor four days a month,
--Tears in our children's eyes.

But we know not our children's tears,
We ignore or we misconstrue.
Justice unjust triumphs again;
and false is proclaimed to be true!

Falsehood redeemed at a horrible price,
Paid by children year after year.
Wounded by those who fail to take heed
Or give voice to a father's tears.

Joseph Branscomb

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